Over the weekend, my mother shared a funny prank video on Facebook that captivated both my brother and me.

The premise of the practical joke is simple: request a roll of toilet paper at a vulnerable moment from behind a bathroom door, then casually smear a smattering of Nutella on the unsuspecting Good Samaritan's hand as the rescue roll is handed off. Allow your imagination to wander if you must, but the prank victim is intended to believe an unwanted transfer has taken place.

I was mildly surprised when my eldest brother (the least prone between the three of us to execute a practical joke) sent me the video below of my nephew Camden's reaction after his 'brush' with Nutella.

Perhaps the trauma of my 30th decade has left me cold, but my heart hardened against his innocent tears of outrage and disgust. I found the video hysterical and was naturally eager to prank my own children.

I'm afraid any accusations or opinions that the joke is cruel and/or disgusting will fall on deaf ears because I agree on both accounts. Additionally, your complaints would arrive  too late to spare my own boys who have since fallen victim to the Smear.

My husband and I decided Jesse would be our intended target and since no Nutella was available, we substituted the chocolate spread for pudding (hat tip to my sister-in-law Ashley for the suggestion... WORKED LIKE A CHARM).

Watch my son's shocked reaction below (and marvel at his ability to levitate), then feel free to emotionally scar your own children.

I tried to edit out the final seconds to spare you his last few words.

I'm sorry.

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