Captain Mike Flowers will work his last day today at the Tuscaloosa Police Department as Commander of the East Precinct.

His plans for his last day of service are no different than the estimated 8,750 days he's 'clocked in' over his career.

'I've still gotta get the troops out, gotta check reports...still gotta do the functions I've been performing for the last 35 years,' Capt. Flowers told Madison and Shepherd on the morning of his last day.

What makes Capt. Flowers retirement so unusual is that he will leave his post at the Tuscaloosa Police Department without ever having taken a sick day.


'After Captain Harold Jones retired around 2000 with 30 years in with no sick days, I knew I had to at least work 30 years and one day to beat him,' Flowers said.

When asked if he ever won awards in school for perfect attendance, his answer wasn't that surprising.

'Yeah. Yeah, I did.'

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