Like everyone on Facebook, I get reminder every day or so of important milestone or small events in my life that I may have forgotten.

This morning as I sipped my coffee and fired up the iPad, I was reminded that I've been a non-smoker for nine years now. I knew it had been a while and that I was closing in on the 8 or 9 year mark but didn't really comprehend just how long that was.

One day, nine years ago, I was on the front porch drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette while supervising my 5 year old son playing in the yard. Our conversation that day is as clear today as it was back then. He approached the porch and said, "Dad, why do you drink beer?" I responded, "Because I like the taste." Not satisfied leaving it there, my son said, "Dad, why do you smoke cigarettes?" I paused and told him it was because I started and couldn't stop. I then made him promise me he would never start smoking. That was when he hit me with a question that cut me deeper than any since, "Dad, will you promise me you'll quit smoking before you die?"

I was floored! Surprised that such a profound question could come from this little developing brain. He had already been thinking about the effect that smoking was having on me and was obviously worried about it. I was shocked but didn't miss a beat when I answered, "Yeah buddy, I promise."

Two weeks later I was a non-smoker. After smoking over a pack a day for 16 years, I was free from the chains that had held me down. All because of the words of a 5 year old.

One thing I've realized since that day is I was ready. My son just provided the kick-start I needed.

If you're a smoker and want to quit, keep at it. One day, you will. You've just got to decide to do it and jump. And for any non-smokers who are currently riding the backs of your smoking friends or family, get off. They'll quit when they're ready. Just be patient and understanding of what they're going through. Their body and mind are controlled by powers beyond your control. Help them cut back in small ways to ease your worry but let them make the decision to put the pack down.

I'll always be thankful to my son for everything he does for me but that one question saved my life. For that I am eternally grateful.

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