A recent poll of 2000 people, revealed that it takes less than :30 after someone walks in for you to be judged by your home. Before you get upset and send a text demanding your friends stop judging you, a lot of their judginess isn't even intentional. We all do it and might not be aware of it.

The scary reality some of these tips reveal is that my mad dash before company comes over probably isn't cutting it because I'm not sure I'm as on top of a few of these as I should be.


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    If you just whipped up a batch of fried catfish, chances are laying down on the trigger of a can of Lysol won't help much before company stops by.

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    Dirty Baseboards

    Ummm...I don't think I ever thought about my baseboards after I moved in. That makes me feel great when I consider how many people have come and gone while my base boards were hanging out being dusty.

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    Television Size

    Too big and you look like a loser. Too small and you look like a loser.

    Good luck figuring out the right balance.

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    Junk Mail

    If you stack your junk mail in the trash, you will be probably judged favorably. If you have a tower stacked on the kitchen counter in a bowl with some pens, a rubber band and lone wolf packed of crackers left over from last week's salad, it's probably not going to go well for you.

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    This is actually good to know.  If someone is coming over that you don't want to stay very long, you can make the temperature in your home uncomfortably cold or hot.

    Your friends will judge you for it but they already judged you on your baseboards so it doesn't really matter anyway.

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